Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Train Spotting: How a Church is like a Train.

Typically I take the 7:24 train into Grand Central station, but recently I have had two occasions to come in at either an earlier train (6:30 am) or a later train(8:15 am). Taking the earlier train I noticed many people on that train slept and appeared tired and seemed to walk slowly while leaving the train. This compared to the train I usually take where most of the people are reading the paper or working on their laptops, and it seems like a sprint to the exit with people checking their blackberries as they walk. In the later train, I noticed people walked extra slow, I assumed that this was not due to lack of sleep but because they didn't want to go to work, they were just dragging themselves to their jobs. Something as simple as picking the right train in the morning can dictate your success in the work place.

Which train you ride means a lot as far as the experience of getting to work and your success in the workplace. Trains are a lot like churches, they will all get you to your destination but you can have very different experiences depending upon the train you are on. My church has enough elements to challenge and support me, encourage and comfort me. Like my train, my church feels "just right."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Buy Gold Coins (or have fish produce them)

Investors typically look to gold coins as a safe investment in turbulent times. I personally know of several investment professionals that at the height of the market turbulence this year bought gold coins in the event their bank failed or the dollar became worthless. If highly intelligent professional investors are tucking gold coins under their mattress or more likely putting in the safe they bought at home depot, what is the novice investor or Joe the plumber to do? I believe they need to put our trust in God.

As believers we need to look toward God not gold in turbulent times. In Matthew 17, Jesus tells Peter to go fishing and in the mouth of the fish will be a gold coin in order to pay their taxes. This implies that either this fish started producing gold coins, someone lost the coin and the fish swallowed it up, either way God provided.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Fierce Determination

Determination is the act of deciding definitely and firmly. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Without a battle there can be no real victory. The Bible says, in Phil 4:13 "I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me" It also says in Rom 8:37 "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." This means our battle has purpose.

The Bible has many examples of fierce determination. Jacob working 14 years for his wife Rachel. Moses pleaded with Pharaoh 10 different times to let the Israelites go. Elisha follow Elijah for years in pursuit of the mantle. Hosea pursuit of Gomer as a wife. Christ fasting for forty days. Paul spread the Gospel during early days of church suffering imprisonment and torture.

A determined person sets themselves up to win by choosing words and actions that build and give life (control thoughts). A fiercely determined person partners with God. They seek revelation by going up the mountain to get a better view.

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