Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Due Dillegence: Caring for Your Nets

The primary principle of Stock Casting involves seeking God in pray in evey aspect of our lives but in particular in our daily dealings with the stock market. While prayer is the primary principle of stock casting, prayer does not spare us from our other responsiblity; caring for our nets.

When Christ told the fishermen to cast their nets to the other side of the boat, their nets were ready to be used. Are your nets ready for when you hear the voice of God directing you? What kind of research and due dillegence have you done? What use would have Christ's fishing guidance have been for the disciples if they had left their nets on the shore? They would have been ill equipred to listen to the voice of God. Are you prepared? Are you ready to hear the voice of God and to use the talents he has given you?

Jesus speaks of preparadness in the parable of the ten virgins, five which had brought extra oil for their lambs and five who did not and were not ready for when the bridge groom arived. How prepared are you?

In the parable of the talents, God gives each and every one of us certain talents and he expects us to use those talents and multiple them. These talents are like the nets or fishing equipment we have to be prepared to use them, we have to be prepared to cast our nets. Fishermen spend a great deal of their time preparing and cleaning their nets so that there are no dead fish or holes in the nets. It is our responsiblity as Christians to be responsible. Go to our workplace prepared for the coming day. There is no slacking. Due dillegence and time spent learning and growing is our responsibility.

God has given us our nets and expects us to maintain them an use them properly. Nets have a function, the function of a net is to catch fish. If you are in the stock market it is likely that God gave you that talent to analysing and picking stocks. While prayer is the foundation of stock casting we can't forget it is still our responsiblity to constantly fine tune the talents that God has given us and continue to develop them.

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