Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The first principle in Stock Casting: LISTEN

What do you get when you put a analyst a trader and a portfolio manger in the same room? The first Stock Casting meeting. At our the meeting I introduced the first principle of Stock Casting, listening to God's voice.

The trader, being a good trader cut the chase and asked the practical question. "How do we do that?" Being an analyst, I pulled out my excel spread sheet and began to describe the equation for hearing God's voice (I'm joking).

If you feel the same way don't feel bad, because you are not alone. We all have difficulty discerning the voice of God. The first couple of times Samuel heard the voice of the Lord he had the same problem, he didn't know who was speaking. At first Samuel thought the voice calling to him in the night was that of Eli his master.

In Stock Casting we basically struggle with discerning between three voices; our own voice, God's voice and that of the enemy. The easiest voice to discern is that of the enemy, his suggestions while often enticing are usually very short sighted and involved cutting corners and they usually feed our pride because they are driven by greed.

The real challenge is discerning between God's voice and our own. This is a learning process. It starts by turning the voice in your head into a prayer. What do I mean by this? We all have these thoughts that come into our head. Sometimes those thoughts are our own and sometimes they are God speaking to us. Whenever I have a thought that I think is a good idea I immediately turn that thought into a prayer. God is this you? It may sound simple but the results may surprise you.

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