Friday, December 03, 2010

Waiting for God

Ever wait on a long line at an amusement park? It requires an incredible amount of patience. The line seems to wind and turn and just when you think you are at the entrance to the ride, the line continues inside. The only reason we wait on line because we are expectant that eventually we will get on the ride promised.

Waiting on God to deliver on his promises can be a lot like waiting on line at an amusement park. Sometimes the road God has put us on takes twists and turns and we are not really sure what to expect around the next corner. Abraham, Moses or Joseph would have never thought that the promise of God would have taken as long as it did. Abraham waited nearly 25 years before his wife Sarah gave birth to Isaac, Moses and the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert before coming the promise land.

There are promises that I know God gave me that currently seem so far off they are like a dream. I have no capacity on my own to make them happen, all I can do is trust and believe God is going to deliver. When I am waiting on God and I don't know how long I have to wait my strategy is to bloom where I"m planted. Contentment is where you are. While waiting for God to deliver on his promise for that job, that wife, that dream business you need to live in the moment of where you are now and be content and know that God's promises are true and you need to exercise spiritual patience.

In our earthly eyes we look to the future and think the day that I reach this goal, then I will be happy. The problem with this thinking is that once you have gotten to where you were going the bar is reset and there is a new goal line, and we say again to ourselves if only I get to this new goal then I will be content. But God wants us to bloom where we are planted. The soil we are on is fertile ground. While Paul was in prison he was still preaching the gospel. While I am out of work, I'm going to continue to do my best to impact the kingdom. This requires me to be content in all circumstances and bloom where I'm planted.

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